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Part 1

[ Gehena ]
Bulletin Status: Informative.
Target Class: Mirage.
Confirmations: Multiple.
To destroy, use a Silhouette Shot, or bounce their shots back with a reflector blast of the same attribute.

Part 2

Bulletin Status: Informative.
Target Class: Silhouette.
Confirmations: Multiple.
To destroy, use a Mirage Shot, or bounce their shots back with a reflector blast of the same attribute.

Before battle with Grigg

Ha! Looks like ya really screwed up, baby! You 'ave stumbled inta my messed-up lit'l world, and we're on the attack! When we get ta the shelter ahead, we'll infiltrate it like ya ain't never seen, and smash that puny lit'l Messenger to a bloody pulp! The only Messenger o' Destruction 'round these parts, 'll then be ME, eh, 'luv?

A Lizard is going to smash the Messenger of Destruction? Who IS the Messenger of Destruction, and why would a lip-licking reptile want to kill it?

You don' geh' it, do ya, honey? If this here assault's a success, Mr. Big Shot Megido's gonna be righteously humiliated! Ha! Hahahaa! Bu' we can't have you runnin' back an' warnin' anyone in the shelter, now can we, luvvy? So I'm guessin' I'll be takin' this opportunity ta wish ya luck in the hereafta', then. 'Cuz that's where you're goin', dear! Ha! Hahahaha!

After battle with Grigg

*An Altar appears in the area*

Bulletin Status: Informative.
Target Class: Normal.
Confirmations: Single.
Normal Shots are minimally effective. To destroy, use the reflector blast to bounce shots back.

Part 3

Before battle with Bug

Hmmm. I must say that I expected the Messenger of DESTRUCTION to be a somewhat more imposing figure. Yes. DESTRUCTION is such a strong word. Yes. And, well, you seem to be the manifest antithesis of strength. Emm?

I don't know about any Messenger of Destruction, but I AM the Messenger of Justice. My task is to restore order to this world. I must warn you not to impede my advance. I have been charged to let nothing stop me from my mission.

Hmmm. I must admit that a warning from the Messenger of Destruction is quite an unexpected courtesy. Yes. But, regardless of who you claim to be, I have been charged by Hal with the task of eliminating you. It's really nothing personal. Emm?

After battle with Bug

I am surprised at the resilient nature of your composition, Messenger. Yes. You have foiled my effort to fulfill Hal's directive. Emm? This is a most confusing circumstance. Yes.

*Zohar Metatron appears*

Oh dear. It's Zohar. Yes. Can this era get any worse. Emm?

*Zohar destroys the shelter with a massive explosion*

[Zohar M.]
Sigh. Another one of Hal's wretched lackeys making my life far more difficult than it need be. But I suppose I can take consolation in the fact that my life is nowhere near as pathetic and painful as your miserable existance is about to become.

Wha...what do you mean? Emm? How dare you insult Hal! Emm? Hal is responsible for our success and salvation. Yes. You are a spiteful ingrate. Yes.

[Zohar M.]
You're right, actually. I apologize. I really should be quite grateful for your dim-witted, bumbling efforts. For you see, your failure has put me in a position where I can annihilate both Gehena and this little "Messenger" with the barest minimum of effort.

You may have destroyed the shelter, but don't count on destroying me as easily. As the Messenger of JUSTICE, I have been created to accomplish my mission at whatever cost necessary. To insure my mission objectives are accomplished, I have been equipped with an arsenal that should impress even you, Zohar!

[Zohar M.]
A being of my intellect dares not make broad assumptions, Messenger. I know of your pathetic pedigree. It lightens my mood just thinking of it, actually. But you really are no match for one such as myself. One blessed with both supreme confidence, and supreme power. Here...perhaps a demonstration of my power will bend you to the way of reason. Behold!

*Zohar Metatron becomes Zohar Sandalphon*

[Zohar S.]
To impressed to speak, Messenger? Or too afraid? Perhaps both. I fully understand. It IS a rare sight to witness a Protesian, gifted with the powers of both Silhouette and Mirage. But enough of the show and tell, little Messenger. The time has come for us to part. I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome. Have a nice trip. See you next fall.

*Zohar S. fires a laser into the ground, causing an explosion. The ground collapses, and Shyna starts to fall. Bug flies down after Shyna.*

...hello again! If you'll let me, I can help you find your way in this confusing place. Yes. Besides, I've got nothing to lose now. Emm?

*Bug teleports Shyna out of the area. The scene goes back to Zohar.*

[Zohar S.]
Well, well... Quite and intriguing development, wouldn't you agree, Hal? I never expected Bug to show such resolve...

Nothing surprises me, Zohar. And you overestimate his powers. Catch up to him and determine what the Messenger is doing here...

Bug's Nexus

By the way, you can call me Bug. Yes. I'm very sorry for what I did...I had my orders, but they appear to be incorrect. You're no threat. Emm?

You saved my life, Bug! Without your help, my mission would have failed. You have my gratitude. By the way, my given name is Shyna Nera Shyna. But please just call me Shyna.

You've got it, Shyna! Yes. From what I heard Hal say about your mission, you're headed for Edo, emm? I can use my powers to create a Transport Nexus which you can use as a kind of shortcut. Yes. It's one of the benefits of existing outside the system. Yes. However, know that I can only guide you until we intercept Zohar's Nexus. Emm?

What do you know about Zohar? More specifically, why is he so bent on destruction?

Zohar is Hal's right-hand man. He's the only one in our world with two attributes in his body, and he won't let you forget it. Yes.

Two attributes...just like me... But I'm cute and kind and strong and smart and sweet and humble. So what's wrong with Zohar?

Shyna, we've reached the Nexus! This world is called Raqia. Yes. Its electric lights are powered entirely by Hal's enormous energy... Be careful. Emm?

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