Here's a list of some of the sound effects in the game.
To operate the SE Test, push R1 to go forward a "stage" (the 0-0 will change), and push L1 to go backward. Push -> to go forward a number (000 will change), and push <- to go backward. Push X to hear a sound. This list is not complete, so feel free to go check through all 7905 "sounds" (31 "stages" times 255 sound numbers!).
-I listed sounds 000-094 in SE Test 1-1 only. These sounds will change depending on what SE Test you choose.
-This list is a little out of order. I am listing the sounds in the order I found them in: pushing R1 all the way through starting from 0-0.
-The "not used" sound effects don't appear anywhere else in the game, only in the SE Test.
-Sometimes, a duplicate of one SE Test will appear (e.g. 2-2 and 2-2). I'll mark duplicates with a *D* symbol.
Stage/SE Test | Sound Effect # | What it does | Not used |
0-0 | 100-108 109-116 117 118 |
Shyna (tutorial) Gehena (tutorial) Shyna (title screen) Gehena (title screen) |
109 |
1-1 | 000-094 | Shamain S.E. | --- |
1-2 | 119-126 | Grigg | --- |
1-3 | 119-128 | Bug | 121, 126 |
2-1 | 119-128 129-140 |
Nardo Zohar |
120, 122, 135 |
2-2 | 119-126 | Goliath | --- |
3-3 | 119-128 | Pablo | --- |
3-4 | 119-127 | Malak | --- |
3-7 | 129-140 | Zohar | 129 |
4-1 | 119 120-125 |
Delia Samson |
122 |
4-2 | 119-126 | Sara + Audience | --- |
4-3 | 119-126 128-129 |
Delia Audience |
124 |
4-6 | 119-128 129-131 |
Faust Audience |
120 |
5-1 | 119-123 | Prinsdam | --- |
5-2 | 119-126 | Yona Division | 122, 124 |
5-3 | 119-127 | Megido | --- |
6-3 | 119 | Hal | --- |
6-4 | 129-140 | Zohar | 129, 135 |
7-1 | 119 127-135 |
????? Cypher Ha-/Za-Zohar |
119 |
*D* 7-1 | 119 120-126 |
Hal Serah |
--- |
7-2 | 119-126 127 |
Armageddon Hal |
--- |
7-3 | 119-127 128-131 |
Megido Morphed Megido |
Possibly 131 |
1-9 | 119 | Bug | --- |
2-9 | 119 | Bug | --- |
3-9 | 119 | Bug | --- |
9-9 | 119 | Shyna | --- |
*D* 2-2 | 127-133 | Dynamis | --- |
6-6 | 119-126 | Geluve | --- |
6-5 | 119-126 | The Reaper | --- |
All except 0-0 (?) | 100-109 110-115 |
Shyna Gehena |
--- |
This is just the list of tracks on the SM disc. I only know the name of ONE song in the game, so don't get mad at me if I put weird names for the tracks.
01. Data track - no music
02. Shamain/Trouble theme (it plays when something weird/bad is happening)
03. Zohar's theme
04. Megido's theme
05. Raqia theme
06. Underground Shamain
07. Title screen/Bug's nexus
08. Battle with Edo
09. Geluve's (Cypher-Ha/-Za Zohar's) theme
10. Inside Prinsdam
11. Running from the wheels/Battling Samson
12. Shopping
13. At the enterance to Edo
14. Tutorial/Start of Shehaqim
15. Broadcast studio
16. Castle in Shehaqim
17. Victory!
18. Fighting a Silhouette boss
19. Fighting a Mirage boss
20. At the Edo System
21. Eruza theme
22. Fighting a Guardian Angel
23. Serah's theme
24. Leave the Tears Behind (Credits)
25. Crickets chirping
26. Victory!